感受野(receptive file)计算
下图为VGG16的感受野(receptive field)尺寸
即strides(i) = stride(1) * stride(2) * …* stride(i-1)
关于感受野大小的计算采用top to down的方式, 即先计算最深层在前一层上的感受野,然后逐渐传递到第一层,使用的公式可以表示如下:
RF = 1 #待计算的feature map上的感受野大小 for layer in (top layer To down layer): RF = ((RF -1)* stride) + fsize
stride 表示卷积的步长; fsize表示卷积层滤波器的大小
用python实现了计算Alexnet zf-5和VGG16网络每层输出feature map的感受野大小,实现代码:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# [filter size, stride, padding]
net_struct = {'alexnet': {'net':[[11,4,0],[3,2,0],[5,1,2],[3,2,0],[3,1,1],[3,1,1],[3,1,1],[3,2,0]],
'vgg16': {'net':[[3,1,1],[3,1,1],[2,2,0],[3,1,1],[3,1,1],[2,2,0],[3,1,1],[3,1,1],[3,1,1],
'conv3_3', 'pool3','conv4_1','conv4_2','conv4_3','pool4','conv5_1','conv5_2','conv5_3','pool5']},
'zf-5':{'net': [[7,2,3],[3,2,1],[5,2,2],[3,2,1],[3,1,1],[3,1,1],[3,1,1]],
'name': ['conv1','pool1','conv2','pool2','conv3','conv4','conv5']}}
def outFromIn(isz, net, layernum):
totstride = 1
insize = isz
for layer in range(layernum):
fsize, stride, pad = net[layer]
outsize = (insize - fsize + 2*pad) / stride + 1
insize = outsize
totstride = totstride * stride
return outsize, totstride
def inFromOut(net, layernum):
RF = 1
for layer in reversed(range(layernum)):
fsize, stride, pad = net[layer]
RF = ((RF -1)* stride) + fsize
return RF
if __name__ == '__main__':
imsize = 224
print "layer output sizes given image = %dx%d" % (imsize, imsize)
for net in net_struct.keys():
print '************net structrue name is %s**************'% net
for i in range(len(net_struct[net]['net'])):
p = outFromIn(imsize,net_struct[net]['net'], i+1)
rf = inFromOut(net_struct[net]['net'], i+1)
print "Layer Name = %s, Output size = %3d, Stride = % 3d, RF size = %3d" % (net_struct[net]['name'][i], p[0], p[1], rf)
layer output sizes given image = 224x224
************net structrue name is vgg16**************
Layer Name = conv1_1, Output size = 224, Stride = 1, RF size = 3
Layer Name = conv1_2, Output size = 224, Stride = 1, RF size = 5
Layer Name = pool1, Output size = 112, Stride = 2, RF size = 6
Layer Name = conv2_1, Output size = 112, Stride = 2, RF size = 10
Layer Name = conv2_2, Output size = 112, Stride = 2, RF size = 14
Layer Name = pool2, Output size = 56, Stride = 4, RF size = 16
Layer Name = conv3_1, Output size = 56, Stride = 4, RF size = 24
Layer Name = conv3_2, Output size = 56, Stride = 4, RF size = 32
Layer Name = conv3_3, Output size = 56, Stride = 4, RF size = 40
Layer Name = pool3, Output size = 28, Stride = 8, RF size = 44
Layer Name = conv4_1, Output size = 28, Stride = 8, RF size = 60
Layer Name = conv4_2, Output size = 28, Stride = 8, RF size = 76
Layer Name = conv4_3, Output size = 28, Stride = 8, RF size = 92
Layer Name = pool4, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 100
Layer Name = conv5_1, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 132
Layer Name = conv5_2, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 164
Layer Name = conv5_3, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 196
Layer Name = pool5, Output size = 7, Stride = 32, RF size = 212
************net structrue name is zf-5**************
Layer Name = conv1, Output size = 112, Stride = 2, RF size = 7
Layer Name = pool1, Output size = 56, Stride = 4, RF size = 11
Layer Name = conv2, Output size = 28, Stride = 8, RF size = 27
Layer Name = pool2, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 43
Layer Name = conv3, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 75
Layer Name = conv4, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 107
Layer Name = conv5, Output size = 14, Stride = 16, RF size = 139
************net structrue name is alexnet**************
Layer Name = conv1, Output size = 54, Stride = 4, RF size = 11
Layer Name = pool1, Output size = 26, Stride = 8, RF size = 19
Layer Name = conv2, Output size = 26, Stride = 8, RF size = 51
Layer Name = pool2, Output size = 12, Stride = 16, RF size = 67
Layer Name = conv3, Output size = 12, Stride = 16, RF size = 99
Layer Name = conv4, Output size = 12, Stride = 16, RF size = 131
Layer Name = conv5, Output size = 12, Stride = 16, RF size = 163
Layer Name = pool5, Output size = 5, Stride = 32, RF size = 195